April is a great month in Boston. The birds are chirping, the flowers are blooming, the sun comes out sometimes, and despite the balmy weather, garbage day still doesn't smell so bad.
Therefore, there is absolutely no excuse for you to miss one of our upcoming shows. We're playing all over town this month, so if you can't get off your lazy butthole and make it out for a single show, well, we're gonna call your mom. We're gonna tell her how much booze you've been drinking, that you haven't cut your hair in sixty months, AND that you refuse to wear the deodorant she sent you. She even went out of her way to get the Tom's of Maine because she heard hippies like it. Do you really want us to make your momma cry?
Don't be angry. We do this because we love you, and we wanna give you a good time. We're also playing with AMAZING lineups. Here they be:
FRIDAY, APRIL 20 (that's 4/20 maaan): @ PA's with Tough Shits (Philly, on Burger Records, and incredible), White Pages (serious punk rock nuggetmakers), and Explanets. $8, 8:30, 21+. RSVP
SUNDAY, APRIL 22: @ What We Talk About (Allston DIY space, ask a punk) with all our friends!!!! Bozmo (tour kickoff!), Gary B & the Notions (Baltimore), and Dirty Virgins (they gotta new 7" out). 8pm, $?, any age'll do. RSVP
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25: **Rock v Wade: Planned Parenthood Benefit** @ Emerson College Cabaret with Slutever (Philly) and Pineries. $5-10 donations, 9pm sharp, any age'll do. RSVP.
THURSDAY, APRIL 26: @ Lorem Ipsum Books (aka best bookstore in Boston) with Slutever, Gushers, and Tropical Punk (TN). $5-10 donation, any age'll do, 9pm. Bring extra ca$h for book$.
Some say this is too many local shows for one week. We say, MYOB!
"you'll have to go through me to get to her"